Khor Kalba
Text by Marijcke Jongbloed
Pictures by Hanne and Jens Eriksen
The MOST SOUTHERN TIP of the UAE's Indian Ocean coastline ends in an extensive mangrove marsh. The dark green belt of almost impenetrable mangrove contrasts strongly with the brown and purple rocky mountains and the sparkling blue water. Young seedlings surrounded by air roots signal a healthy environment. The mud at low tide reveals myriads of pretty crabs, while in the shady canopy of the trees a unique small bird makes its home. The white-collared kingfisher is a breeding resident here - and only here. Many other birds like reef herons and booted warblers also nest here. Khor Kalba is a magical place, a place of exquisite beauty, a place worthy of protection. Happily, as Arabian Wildlife goes to press news has come through that Khor Kalba is to be officially designated as a Nature Reserve.

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Arabian Wildlife. Volume 3, Number 1